Sunday, September 28, 2008

May 18th, 1863

Dear diary,

Today is May 18th. My name Is Veikko Veleslavov and today happened something terrible.

We've been living hard times here in Missisippi. North Attacked today here to Warren County by commanding of Ulyssys S. Grant. I've heard people talking that North has much stronger army than we have. Someone said that they have almost 80 000 soliders and we have barely 30 000. The situation after today does not look wery good for us, but we have hope.

Early this morning Grant attacked to the city by Graveyard Road. Me and my friends watched north marching Gravery Road. We were hiding in forest, trying to get wiew of what's happening. The size of North's army looked so hudge and their soliers so scary. Even that they have stronger army, our defence did not let us down. North lost today over 900 mens. We lost 200. Even that we didn't lose anyting compared to the North, 200 mens for us is a big lose.
So we did win the first day of war, but we can't be sure what's going to happend in the future. We are so scared here, but we rely on our strength. After North's big lose, they pulled back to their side of their defence. We just heard gun's shooting and people screaming and dieing.

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